The Communist Who Convinced Jimmy Carter to Give Away the Panama Canal
The late Jimmy Carter didn’t come up spontaneously with the idea of giving away the Panama Canal, which America spent blood and gold on and which is an essential part of its national security. Instead, he had Robert A. Pastor, a communist, whis…
Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024 Presidential Election?
Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because, this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in addition to …
Obama Floats Pardon “Trial Balloon” Amid Deep State Frenzy to Get on the List
When does Barack Obama ask Susan Rice to petition Joe Biden for a presidential pardon for himself? With the pardon frenzy buzzing around the Biden camp, a trial balloon for an Obama pardon has already begun drifting toward the Oval Office. Biden w…
Eric Hovde’s Wisconsin Senate Race Opens the Door to a Criminal Investigation
The Democrats may have made a significant mistake in their all-too-obvious attempt to steal a U.S. Senate seat from GOP candidate Eric Hovde. As Hovde explained in a November 12 video, in the early hours of November 6, 2024, he received congratulator…
The Communist Who Convinced Jimmy Carter to Give Away the Panama Canal

In combating the global warming (aka, climate change) movement, we fail to understand that the radical left today lives in a value-relative phenomenology shaped by a mixture of postmodernism blended with neo-Marxism. It misses the mark merely to refute the hoax science behind the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s decision to eliminate the use of hydrocarbon fuels.
Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024 Presidential Election?

Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because, this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in addition to the electoral vote, plus a GOP majority in the U.S. House and Senate. The reality is that […]
American Thinker

Leftists seek to intentionally destabilize the US in many ways as quickly as possible before the inauguration of incoming President Trump.
Obama Floats Pardon “Trial Balloon” Amid Deep State Frenzy to Get on the List

In combating the global warming (aka, climate change) movement, we fail to understand that the radical left today lives in a value-relative phenomenology shaped by a mixture of postmodernism blended with neo-Marxism. It misses the mark merely to refute the hoax science behind the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s decision to eliminate the use of hydrocarbon fuels.
Eric Hovde’s Wisconsin Senate Race Opens the Door to a Criminal Investigation

In combating the global warming (aka, climate change) movement, we fail to understand that the radical left today lives in a value-relative phenomenology shaped by a mixture of postmodernism blended with neo-Marxism. It misses the mark merely to refute the hoax science behind the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s decision to eliminate the use of hydrocarbon fuels.